All You Need to Know About Vardon Grip

Enrique Martínez Luque March 03 2023

The Vardon grip, also known as the overlapping grip, is one of golfers' most popular grip styles. Developed by Harry Vardon, a British golfer, in the late 1800s, this grip has been used by golfers of all skill levels for over a century.

The Vardon grip is characterized by the right pinkie finger resting on top of or "overlapping" the left index finger on the golf club handle. This grip promotes a smooth and consistent swing and is often used by players looking to improve their accuracy and distance.

Possible Pros

  • One of the main benefits of the Vardon grip is that it allows for a more neutral grip on the club, which can help to reduce the chance of hooking or slicing the ball. It also encourages a lighter grip pressure, leading to a more relaxed swing and improved distance and accuracy.
  • Another benefit of the Vardon grip is that it allows for a more consistent swing plane. The overlap of the fingers helps keep the hands in a more consistent position, leading to more consistent shots and improved accuracy.
  • The Vardon grip can also be beneficial for golfers with smaller hands. The fingers' overlap can help make the club feel more comfortable and secure in the hands, which can lead to a more relaxed and confident swing.

Possible Cons

  • However, the Vardon grip is not without its drawbacks. One of the main drawbacks is that it can be difficult for golfers with larger hands to use this grip comfortably. The overlap of the fingers can cause the hands to feel cramped, leading to a less relaxed and consistent swing.
  • Another drawback of the Vardon grip is that it can be difficult for golfers to adjust. The grip requires a specific placement of the fingers, and it can take some time to get used to this new position. It's important to practice and be patient when trying to adjust to the Vardon grip.

Learn Vardon grip in 5 easy steps

Learning the Vardon grip in golf can seem daunting, but with these five easy steps, you'll be on your way to mastering it in no time.

  • Understand the Vardon grip
    The Vardon grip, also known as the overlapping grip, is popular among professional golfers. It involves placing the pinkie finger of your trail hand (the hand that is lower on the club) over the index finger of your lead hand (the hand that is higher on the club). This grip helps to promote a more consistent swing plane and can lead to straighter shots.
  • Get the right-hand placement. 
    To begin using the Vardon grip, start by placing your lead hand on the club as you normally would. Then, take your trail hand and place it on the club, making sure that your trail hand's pinkie finger overlaps your lead hand's index finger.
  • Check your grip pressure. 
    It is important to have a light grip pressure with the Vardon grip. A death grip will only cause tension in your arms and hands, which can negatively affect your swing. Practice holding the club lightly, using enough pressure to keep the club in place.
  • Practice your swing 
    Now that you have the grip, it's time to start practicing your swing. Keep your grip pressure light and focus on a smooth, fluid swing. The Vardon grip can take some getting used to, so don't be discouraged if your shots aren't perfect.
  • Seek guidance 
    It's always helpful to have guidance when learning a new skill. Consider taking a lesson from a golf pro who can give you personalized tips and feedback on improving your Vardon grip.

With these five easy steps, you'll be well on your way to mastering the Vardon grip in no time. Remember to be patient with yourself and keep practicing, and you'll be hitting straighter shots in no time.

Vardon grip vs. other golf grips!

One of the main benefits of the Vardon grip is that it promotes a more neutral grip position, allowing for a straighter and more consistent swing path. It also helps to reduce the chances of hooking or slicing the ball. This grip is also suitable for players with smaller hands, allowing them to grip the club more comfortably.

Another popular grip technique is the interlocking grip, in which the right hand's pinky finger is interlocked with the index finger of the left hand. This grip provides more control and stability, making it a good option for players with weaker grip strength.

The Vardon grip learning journey 

Before attempting the Vardon grip, ensure you're comfortable with the basic golf grip. This includes positioning your hands correctly on the club and ensuring that your fingers are wrapped around the club correctly.

Take a close look at the Vardon grip and pay attention to the placement of the fingers. It's important to ensure that the right hand's pinky finger is resting on top of the index finger of the left hand. The key to mastering any skill is practice. Take some time to practice the Vardon grip, both on and off the course. You can start by holding a club and positioning your fingers in the correct Vardon grip.

If you're having difficulty mastering the Vardon grip, consider seeking the help of a professional golf coach. They can provide you with personalized instructions and tips to help you improve your grip and overall golf game.

Finally, it's important to remember that every golfer is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. So, experiment with different grip techniques until you find the one that feels most comfortable and natural to you.

Final Note

In conclusion, the Vardon grip is a popular and versatile grip style that can be beneficial for golfers of all skill levels. It promotes a smooth and consistent swing and can lead to improved accuracy and distance. However, it may not be the best choice for golfers with larger hands, and it may take some time to adjust to. It's important to try different grip styles and find the one that feels most comfortable and natural for your own swing.

Enrique Martínez Luque

Enrique Martínez Luque is the Argentina-based golf expert and professional writer. He built his career in the world of golf taking a number of positions. Enrique was the manager of a golf club, director at a federation level, an agent for professional golfers and director institutional relations on the Argentinian Tour. Assissted the professional golfers on major tours for almost 20 years. Worked as the press officer of national and international golf tournaments.

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