How to Stop Hitting the Ball Fat

VD July 07 2021

The famous fat shot. There is a shot in golf that everyone wants to avoid. It is a stroke that has a terrible result, and that can even cause injury to the player body when executed. How to stop hitting fat golf shots? Let's try to find it out.

How to Stop Hitting the Ball Fat Shots

Basically, this happens when your golf club goes first to the ground when hitting the ball. And this is mainly produced by a slowdown in the swing. But other factors motivate a move of these characteristics, and that can be avoided.

Forget About Fat Shots With These Light Club Shafts

The most important thing is to learn the highlights of this shot, so common among beginning golfers. The name says it all: a fat shot is usually produced by hitting the ball first, which generates a terrible stroke with a ball that can end up anywhere if it is not hit directly.

What are the Ball Fat Shots in Golf?

In short, a fat shot is a stroke in which the club anticipates the trajectory and makes contact with the grass (or sand), in many cases without actually touching the golf ball. The further behind the ball the contact occurs, the worse the result will be.

These aims cause damage to the grass, even so deep that it can scare some players. These divots are called "fat divots" and are generally called "fat shots" in golf jargon.

Before teaching you the secrets to stop hitting fat golf shots, it is worth seeing how the best golfers in the world can also suffer these types of fat golf shots:

How to Stop Hitting Fat Golf Shots?

There are a lot of tips how to hit more fairways and how to avoid fat shot. The best place to find answers to fat golf shots is at your club driving range. Through a film, you will be able to see the trajectory of your swing better and thus know if you are hitting the ground before the ball. If you can do it during a class with your instructor, it will be better. Without a doubt, your professor will know how to tell you precisely the mistake you are making.

It is good to remember that fat golf shots are not reduced from one day to the next. Even any change in your swing will take 21 days of practice for your body to retain. The important thing is to practice as much of the time as possible to reduce your frequency.

What are the Causes of Fat Golf Shots?

Several reasons can lead us to hit a fat shot. For now, one of the leading causes is having the golf ball very early in the stance. If this is the case, the best solution is to put the ball more towards the centre of your legs, inclining the club's shaft so that the impact will be earlier and better.

Another cause of your fat shots can be in the swing. Many players swing very steeply, and that tends to have poor results. Among the best exercises to correct this error is to hit the ball without making a divot. That is, hit it cleanly. It seems like a no-brainer, but it's about realising that this will be the way to swing through the ball. You can also solve the problem by concentrating on keeping your shoulders level and turning from the backswing, during the follow-through, and finally before reaching the finish.

Weight Management in the Swing

Many golfers tend to put most of their weight on the right foot when swinging. If you feel this is what is happening to you, our advice is to transfer the weight to your left side on the downswing. This will allow you to contact the ball earlier. While looking to correct the error, it is also good to grab the club a little shorter. This last tip, without a doubt, can work but temporarily.

The same thing happens with the weight when we perform the downswing. We often come with all the weight of our body on the ball, which causes a fat shot. To avoid this, it is critical to focus on keeping your head still without moving it throughout the swing. The same with your legs: it is essential that you feel you are not flexing them more than necessary.

The position of player is very important too. We know it is not easy to keep your head still all the time, but it is a tip that will help you hit fewer fat shots and will allow you to have a more harmonious swing and thus achieve solid contacts when hitting the ball.

Equipment Changes to Stop Hitting Fat Golf Shots

Multiple changes can be made to the equipment to avoid fat shots.

One of the usual changes has to do with the clubs' shafts. If you are using a heavy shaft, the ideal is to switch to a lighter one. This will allow you to swing more upright. Graphite options can be an excellent answer to this problem.


Perhaps you are faced with the opportunity to fit your swing. This will allow you to choose each club in the bag and know what type of club and faces to use based on your swing, physical, and age. Also, fittings made by good instructors are an investment that is seldom taken into account.

In conclusion, these are not the definitive solutions, but they will certainly help you refine aspects of your swing that will allow you to make better shots and avoid unwanted fat shots.

FAQs: How to Stop Hitting Fat Golf Shots

Q: What is the most common cause of fat golf shots?

A: The most common cause of fat golf shots is simply swinging too hard. When you swing too hard, you tend to lose control of the club and your body weight shifts too far forward, resulting in a fat shot.

Q: How can I stop hitting fat shots?

A: The best way to avoid hitting fat shots is to focus on making smooth, controlled swings. Instead of trying to hit the ball as hard as you can, focus on making solid contact with the ball.

Q: What are some other common causes of fat shots?

A: Other common causes of fat shots include poor swing mechanics and incorrect club selection. If your swing is out of sync or if you are using the wrong club, your shots will likely be fat. Practicing good swing mechanics and choosing the right clubs can help you avoid these common mistakes and prevent fat shots from occurring.

Ultimately, the key to stopping hitting fat golf shots is focusing on making smooth, controlled swings and working to improve your swing mechanics. With time and practice, you will be able to hit solid shots every time. Good luck!