Putter Grip Styles in Golf

Enrique Martínez Luque March 03 2023

The grip is one of the most important elements of a good golf game, as it determines how well you control the club and the ball. In golf, there are several different putter grip styles to choose from, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks. In this blog, we'll explore some of the most common putter grip styles in golf and help you determine which one is right for you.

The Traditional Grip

The traditional grip is the most common putter grip style in golf. This grip involves placing your hands on the club in a neutral position, with your palms facing each other. This grip is easy to use and provides good control over the club, making it a great option for beginners.

The Cross-Handed Grip

The cross-handed grip is an alternative to the traditional grip that involves placing your left hand on top of the club and your right hand below it. This grip is often used by golfers who have trouble with the traditional grip or who want to improve their accuracy on short putts.

The Claw Grip

The claw grip is a variation of the traditional grip that involves placing your hands on the club in a different position. With this grip, the handle of the club is positioned between the thumb and index finger of your top hand while your bottom hand provides support. This grip can help you control the speed of your putts and can be especially useful on fast greens.

The Arm Lock Grip

The arm lock grip is a more advanced putter grip style that involves locking your left arm into your body and using your right hand to control the club. This grip is often used by professional golfers, as it provides excellent control and stability but can be difficult to use if you're not familiar with it.

The Long Putter Grip 

The long putter grip involves using a long putter, which is typically over 40 inches in length. This grip involves anchoring the putter against your chest or belly and using your arms to control the club. This grip is often used by golfers who struggle with the traditional grip or who want to improve their accuracy on longer putts.

The Belly Putter Grip

The belly putter grip is similar to the long putter grip but involves anchoring the putter against your belly rather than your chest. This grip can help you maintain a more consistent stroke and can be especially useful for golfers who struggle with short putts.

Is gripping the golf club right even important?

Gripping the club is one of the most fundamental elements of golf and is essential for a successful game. However, there is some debate among golfers and experts about how important the grip really is. In this blog, we'll explore the role of gripping in golf and answer the question of whether it is really that important.

  • First, it's important to understand what the grip does. The grip determines how well you control the club and how well you can manipulate the clubface to achieve the desired trajectory and spin on the ball. A poor grip can lead to inconsistent shots, loss of power, and an increased risk of injury. On the other hand, a good grip can help you hit straighter shots, increase your accuracy, and give you more control over your game.
  • One of the reasons that gripping is so important in golf is that it is the only point of contact between the player and the club. This means that the grip is the only thing that can influence the clubhead during the swing. The way you grip the club will determine how well you are able to transfer energy from your body to the club head and how well you can control the clubface. This is why a proper grip is so important in golf, as it is the foundation for a good swing.
  • Another reason why gripping is so important in golf is that it can affect your mental game. If you have a poor grip, it can cause anxiety and tension on the course, leading to poor shots and missed putts. On the other hand, if you have a good grip, it can give you confidence and help you relax, leading to better shots and more successful rounds.

There are many different grip styles to choose from in golf, including the traditional grip, the cross-handed grip, the claw grip, the arm lock grip, the long putter grip, and the belly putter grip. Each of these grips has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the right grip for you will depend on your personal preferences and abilities.

Important note

Despite the importance of gripping, it is possible to play golf with a poor grip and still have success. However, it is much more difficult to play at a high level with a poor grip, and you will likely experience more struggles on the course. If you are serious about improving your golf game, investing in a good grip is an excellent place to start.

Gripping is a critical element of a successful golf game and is essential for a good swing, improved accuracy, and a better mental game. While it is possible to play with a poor grip, investing in a good grip will help you achieve better results on the course. So, is gripping even important in golf? The answer is a resounding yes! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced golfer, investing in a good grip will help you play your best golf and enjoy the game to the fullest.

Final Note

In conclusion, choosing the right putter grip is an important part of a successful golf game. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced golfer, there's a putter grip style that's right for you. Experiment with different grip styles, and find the one that works best for your game. With the right grip, you'll be well on your way to making more putts and playing your best golf.

Enrique Martínez Luque

Enrique Martínez Luque is the Argentina-based golf expert and professional writer. He built his career in the world of golf taking a number of positions. Enrique was the manager of a golf club, director at a federation level, an agent for professional golfers and director institutional relations on the Argentinian Tour. Assissted the professional golfers on major tours for almost 20 years. Worked as the press officer of national and international golf tournaments.

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