How to Hit Your Driver Dead Straight

VD January 01 2022

Every golfer wants to learn the art of swinging the drive to make a straighter drive possible every time. And the level of a golfer doesn't matter because everyone from beginner to expert wants to know how to hit your driver straight.

Maintaining an accurate second shot from perfectly long and straight drives is very difficult. And even advanced or expert-level players may struggle with it at times. That is why understanding the technique is of paramount importance to achieving perfection.

Improve Your Hits With The Best Golf Drivers

Keep reading the following article to understand how to hit the driver dead straight more frequently. This will improve the game and give the golfer more confidence every time they walk up to the tee.

You must understand that all drives are not created equal. It is impossible to make a golf driver go in a straight line for 350 yards with every shot and the same goes for every other club in your bag. The secret lies in understanding how to control the straighter shots rather than trying to understand how to hit a driver straight perfectly every time. As you progress with your game and get more experience in driving, this will become second nature.

In order to clearify how to hit your driver dead straight, you have to think of starting at the golf ball then pushing down from high on the backswing while also adding some extra power toward the front of your swing by swinging slightly through on the follow-through. Make sure that both hands work together when following through so that you can maintain good contact with the golf ball.How to Hit Your Driver Dead Straight

This article will educate golfers about the following which will help them improve their game:

  • Optimal golf driver takeaway and backswing
  • Ideal golf driver swing path/plane

Both of these techniques are vital to hit driver straight shots from the tee.

How to hit your driver straight: A Connected Takeaway

The initial moments in a golfer's swing are crucial in determining success with the golf driver.

Many golfers repeat a relatively common mistake referred to as a ‘disconnected takeaway.’ This usually happens at the start of the backswing when the arms get disconnected from the torso. This can be hazardous for your golf game. 

While a golfer is in their takeaway, they should observe the following:

  • In the backswing, the handle of the golf club should stay lower.
  • A golfer's arms should be pinned to their bodies until the club gets to the waist height and just parallel to the ground.

From that point, the golf club should be taken into an upright position. It should be done to ensure the shaft points towards the target line.

This would be advantageous in getting the backswing on the plane. And as a result, one should expect the drive to be straighter.

How to Hit Driver Straight

How to hit a driver straight: Fix Your Early Extension

Another common issue that causes a problem for the straight drive is called “early extension.” Again, this issue is common among players of all levels, from beginners to experts.

Early extension happens when in a downswing, a golfer's lower body is tilted over towards the golf ball. This results in a slight lift in the torso, leading to the club being stuck behind the body.

For obvious reasons, neither of these would allow an accurate and desirable golf ball contact.

To avoid this problem, one can adjust their backswing to compensate for the early extension. One has to make sure that they do not swing past parallel in a backswing as a result of trying to compensate for the early extension. It would be advisable to check out online videos and other instructional blogs for ways on how to fix these flaws.

But thanks to the experts, there’s a simple exercise that is helpful in eradicating this swing fault. Here are the steps:

  • The first step would be putting the club across the shoulders. It should be done to place the grip end on the lead shoulder.
  • Now, the golfer should maintain the posture while they start the backswing. If the hips, torso, and head are thrust up in an attempt to extend early, the clubhead lifts and you can't get to the golf ball.
  • If the hips, torso and head stay down as you swing down, the clubhead stays behind and you can’t get to the golf ball.
  • You should not rush the movement. The posture should be retained until after impact. It is crucial in ensuring that there is no early extension happening during a backswing or downward thrusting of the torso.
  • The other advantage of this exercise is that it helps players achieve great flexibility which allows them to attain improved distance for their drives. This will be achieved by enabling optimal hip rotation which would enhance both power and accuracy with every swing.

Experts recommend doing this exercise ten times in a row. This will condition the muscles to work differently. And that would eventually help golfers improve their downswing.

A better swing path can be achieved by conditioning the body in a certain way. It would help in a better golf ball rotation from the pelvis and hips.

For a straighter shot, one must ensure that the club goes from the inside to the outside. This is done while using an “in-to-out” swing path. In other words, the club should start on the inside and swing along an arc that will end up on the outside.

This can be achieved by being aware of your shoulder rotation while going back and through with every drive. A golfer has to ensure their shoulders have rotated 90 degrees at impact. That way, they would get a straight golf ball flight after hitting the driver straight well off the tee box.

And just like any other movement in golf, there’s a right way and wrong way to do things if you want better results. The right backswing will end up in a correct swing path.

In case there isn’t enough shoulder rotation, the golf ball would get to the right of the target line and vice versa in case there is too much shoulder rotation. It’s clear that no one wants this to happen. The key here would be keeping an eye on your shoulders when they rotate at backswing so you can deliver the club correctly through impact.


How to hit your driver straight: exercises which can help golfers achieve results

The best way to practice this swinging movement is with a simple drill wherein you take three clubs and put them behind one another between your legs while standing perpendicular to the driving range tee box. The middle club should be pointed at about 10 o'clock.

Take your golf driver, place it across the other two clubs then swing for impact. Keep looking at where the clubhead is pointing during all stages of this drill to help you identify where you are swinging from during your full golf swing.

It should be done with an aim of triggering a slight hip turn through the shot so you can get the right amount of shoulder rotation towards the target line. Also, make sure that there is one golf ball between each shaft as they would help keep track of distances and improve accuracy.

Try doing this drill three times in a row without taking too much time to recover between attempts. Perform these drills on both sides to ensure that swings are symmetrical across various shots under different conditions, including off-center shots and tee shots.

How to hit driver straight: Flatten Your Through-Swing

Flattening the through-swing might be the definitive advice for achieving straight drives and keeping the optimal swing path during the whole swing.

Some beginners tend to give a high finish to the swing. This indicates a swing far below the plane, which can result in tee hook-offs.

Thus, experts devised the headcover drill as another simple but effective exercise. This drill would be helpful to amateurs to get the swing on the plane.

To get the golf ball inside the target line, a headcover should be placed inside the golf ball and behind it. Headcover will get a hit straighter drives if the golfer if the swing is below the plane on the downswing. This should be avoided as much as possible.

Once a golfer employs all these techniques during practice, they will know how to hit a driver straight easily. 


Is it really possible to hit my driver dead straight?

Yes, it is definitely possible to hit your driver dead straight. However, it will take some practice and patience to master this skill. In order to increase your chances of success, make sure that you are using the proper golf grip and stance, and that you are properly aligned with your target. Remember to take a smooth swing and follow through after impact. With a little bit of practice, you should be hitting your driver dead straight in no time!

What are some common mistakes that people make when trying to hit their driver dead straight?

One of the most common mistakes is using too much upper body strength when swinging. This can cause the clubface to close at impact, resulting in a slice. Another common mistake is taking too long of a backswing. This can cause you to lose your balance and decrease the power of your swing. Finally, people often fail to follow through after impact, which can cause the ball to veer off course.

What are some tips for hitting my driver dead straight?

There are a few key things that you can do to increase your chances of success. First, make sure that you are using the proper golf grip and stance. Second, take a smooth swing and follow through after impact. Third, practice regularly so that you can master this skill. With a little bit of practice, you should be hitting your driver dead straight in no time!

Are there any drills that I can do to improve my accuracy?

Yes, there are a few drills that you can do to help improve your accuracy. One drill is to set up a row of tees in a straight line and practice hitting them one by one. Another drill is to place a golf ball on a tee and then try to hit it dead center with your driver. With a little bit of practice, you should be hitting your driver dead straight in no time!