Golf Ball Flight Diagram

VD April 04 2022

A ball flight diagram is like the number one tool that you can use to monitor the ball's trajectory to get a better understanding of how the club shots.

Given below are the nine significant lines that will be discussing nine core shots of golf. Each line indicates a particular shot trajectory and how the ball will eventually reach the target in due time.

Also, there’s one particular mistake you need to avoid while reading the chart. A proper slice shot is where the shot starts from the left side of the target and finally reaches the target from the right side. Any shot that eventually curves a bit during its trajectory is not a slice shot.

The Purple Line

The purple line is a clear indicator of the pull-hook. During the pull-hook, the ball will start from the left side of the target and will attain an even more left approach while reaching the target. This is only possible if the clubface is closed at impact.

The Yellow Line

The yellow line is a clear representative of the hook shot. During the hook shot, the ball will follow a right trajectory in the beginning. In other words, it will start from the right of the target and will eventually reach the target from the left side.

The Blue Line

The blue line or the navy-blue line is one of the most commonly known golf ball trajectory lines available in the chart. The line indicates the legendary pull shot where the ball initiates its trajectory from the left of the target and reaches the mark with the same trajectory in a straight path.

The Green Line

Now this line is a true representative of the class. The green line is an indicator of the fade shot. During this shot, the ball starts its journey from the left side of the target but eventually reaches the target from the right end.

The Dotted Line

The dotted line is probably the most commonly recognized out there. The dotted line is a clear indicator of the target. The ball follows a straight path and reaches the target, following the straight path. The line is often used as a reference for the target practicing.

The Red Line

The red line is an indicator of the draw. During this shot, the ball will begin its trajectory from the right side of the target and will finally hit the mark by curving inside from the left end. The clubface must also be closed to fit that in-to-out path.

The Light Blue Line

Unlike the navy-blue line, the light blue line indicates the right push shot. The ball will begin its trajectory from the right of the target and will eventually hit the mark with the same trajectory. The clubface must be square to get the best results.

The Pink Line

The shot every golfer wants to master. Yes, we are talking about the slice shot and how the pink line of the chart indicates a beautiful slice. The ball will start its journey from the left side of the target and eventually reach it, curving right in.

The Orange Line

Last but not least, we have got the push-slice represented by the orange line in the chart. The ball starts the journey from the right of the target and eventually curves further right in near the target.