How to Bring the Golf Club Down Correctly?

VD April 04 2022

Golf is not any other form of traditional sport. There’s a specific type of elegance that’s associated with golf. 

The very idea of bringing down the golf club properly shows how much effort a golfer usually puts in the game to time the shot perfectly. Here are a few tips that will strengthen your approach to bringing the golf club down.

Keeping the hinge in your wrists

The hinge must be kept intact even when you were initiating a backswing in the first place. What most golfers do is that they lose the stance of the hinge as soon as the club reaches the ball. But that’s not the right way of doing it.

You must not release the stance of your hinge that early. By the term earlier, we mean even before the club has impacted the ball. Downswing your wrist in such a manner, and you will be a part of the casting swing error.

Uncoiling the hips first

Throughout the shot, the hips and their position have a significant role in how the ball will eventually move and reach the target. Even among the pro-level golfers, there’s a misconception that arms and shoulders must uncoil even before the hips. That’s the opposite of what you should be doing in the first place. 

The arms and shoulders must not be the first to uncoil, and the hips follow the path. The better option to go with is when the hips uncoil first, and the shoulders arms follow them. But remember, this order is only suitable for the downswing.

Hips should be within the box throughout the downswing

Even if you are not that pro in golf, there’s not a single percent chance that you still haven’t heard about the making a box approach. This approach allows the golfers to make an imaginary box around various body parts that must be affected during the shot.

The same thing should be done when you are practicing your downswing and don’t know much about the placement of your hips. A pro tip that you can follow here is that you should keep your hips in the box throughout when the downswing is in progress. The hips shouldn’t go forward.

The clubhead trajectory must be inside-square

This is by far the most popular approach out there for lacing the clubface appropriately in case of a downswing. Just like making the box approach, you need to follow the tract of two straight lines to get a better idea of how you will be placing the ball right in the range of the club.

But before getting into further details, you need to understand that a club practically moves around the body of a golfer. The club must come from the inside of the square target lines you have drawn. This will give your shot the required thrust.

The left foot should be the recipient of weight.

This particular tip focuses on the weight balancing of your body throughout the shot placement. The leading foot that must be the recipient of all the weight of your body must be the left foot. This is only possible when you target the left foot once the hands are getting down.

This will also allow the golfer to equip their shot with the required thrust without affecting the club placement.